Mar 042016

A big well done to everyone who brought in a model/mixed-media picture based on our learning about the Mayans.  Your work showed good research, commitment and perseverance.  You should all be really proud of what you have achieved!

An even bigger well done to those of you that fulfilled all 3 parts of the challenge that I set you: a diagram of a model, a piece of writing that was creatively presented and the model/picture itself.

You will be pleased to see up to 10 house points added to your collection (depending on how many elements of the task you completed).

And to any parents that assisted in the creation of some of the fantastic pieces that were brought in, well done and thank you.  I hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with your child on a school project.  I do appreciate your imut.

Mrs Miller-Cox

  4 Responses to “Mayan projects”

  1. Miss what do we do for the piece of writing

    • Mireille,
      Write a little bit about what you have made, i.e. why you chose to make it; how you made it (materials, etc), and what the significance was for the Mayans.
      Hope this helps

  2. Hello Mrs,
    I know that the mayan homework project has passed, but you know the plan and writing on the lined paper, I’ve done all of it but I was thinking of adding extra information about the mayans , but the only problem is that up till now on the 26 of February, I haven’t given it in so I was hoping on Monday I will get it from my desk and give to you to keep, if you don’t mind.

    • Hello, Zainab.
      Please hand in your work on the Mayans. I would still love to see it and hopefully, we are going to be able to show some of our work in assembly, soon.

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